Thursday, 7 April 2016

Kontent Machine Discount Offer of the Day

Step 6 – Output Options – Within output options we have three tabs that we have to setup the options we want. The tabs are named Content Tweaks, Media Tweaks and Additional Tweaks. We will only be working within the first two tabs for this project. Content Tweaks we need to set these options. Article Output – Article spinning setting is set to none. Select the random paragraph button and set the random paragraphs to between 5 and 7. Paragraph spacing is then set to <br><br> from the

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dropdown selections. Bookmark output settings just leave as default. The paragraph mixer set to the maximum randomization level of 10. For the sentence mixer select the use sentence spinning instead of paragraph mix option and then set the sentences per paragraph from 3 to 6 and randomization again to 10. For character spinning options just leave as default and then go to the media tweaks tab.  For media tweaks make sure nothing is selected because when we want media within our content in the fightback network we have to use the FBN software to add media such as images and videos. If you are using this content you are generating for siteground promo code other networks then maybe you can utilize these settings within this tab to auto generate image and video links into your articles.  *Use caution when having software add scraped images though as you could run into copyright problems somewhere down the road. Personally I only insert images that I own the copyright to, into any of the posting I do online. We can now close the Output Options settings by hitting the Apply button and move on to generating our content.

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Step 7 – Generate Content – Now after we have entered all the above information that was required we can now generate some content for our articles. We do this by clicking the Generate Kontent machine discount icon at the top. After doing so KM with go and start scraping and inform you when it is complete. KM may by chance not find enough content for one of your keywords and ask you what to do, just tell it to only scrape for the one keyword then.

  • sentence spun article previewStep 8
  • Exporting the Generated Content
  • We are now able to export the content that Kontent Machine discount has generated
  • for our niche and we do so by clicking the Export icon. After clicking the icon a file builder settings box opens and
  • there are a few things we must now complete before we hit the Export button.

The first thing we need to do is setup a template to output our content  in the right format for posting to the network of our choice. In this example we are setting it so we can output individual articles for FBN. So now we need to create a template for FBN siteground promo code so we hit New to do this and after a box opens called KM Article Template Builder. So here we must add some KM tags in this order with a return between each. 1. Click Title button on the right to add #KM Title-Clean#. 2. Hit return. 3. Click Article Body to add #KM ArtBody-Clean#. 4. Hit return. 5. Click the Tags button to add #KM TAGS-Clean#.

  1. Other settings – Make sure to deselect the all articles to one file selector and then select the custom Paragraph Separator and enter <br><br>.
  2. For file name just select .txt and for KM-Token select Unspun from the dropdown menu.
  3. Now Save your template and Name it.
  4. Back with the Article file builder select your new template from the dropdown menu.
  5. After selecting the template we can click the Change
  6. Export Options button only if you want to edit those settings we made in the 6th step otherwise there is no need to click it.

For file settings I like to set the filename to Campaign + Title + Link format – No. For how many articles I want output I set to 25 or 30 which gives me enough articles to schedule them to post over a month. Once we have set all these settings we can now press the Export button. KM will create the articles, put them into a folder for your campaign automatically and when it is all complete will open a popup window with a link to open the folder so you can view the articles.
Content Creation Complete

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If you would like to check the uniqueness of the articles by doing a comparison within The Best Spinner I just copy the spun article from the body section of the article tab on the main campaign tab and paste it into TBS. After doing that I go to publish in siteground discount promo code TBS and hit the comparison button and do a comparison of 25 or 30 articles. The usual percentage it comes back with is often 98% to 100% unique which is amazing in my opinion.  Kontent Machine tutorial does a whole lot more as well. It can add your own content to the scraped content, within the article where you choose to add it, whether you want it at the beginning middle or end. It can add media and also you can use your own custom tags so you can use it for outputting to Ultimate Demon and Senuke Xcr as well. This software is immensely powerful and is also regularly updated. You may also like to read about other seo tools I u

Kontent Machine Tutorial - Master Quality Content Creation Software

I have been using Kontent Machine tutorial for almost one year now to create spun content for Google Search Engine Ranker (GSR) and to also create content that is over 95% unique for posting on The Fightback Network with some great success.
Today I want to show you how I have been creating the 95% unique content for creating contextual backlinks to link back to my money sites, web 2.0 sites and redirects when using the fight back network.
This content passes a check within FBN (Fightback Network) for uniqueness and also a manual review before the articles are posted onto any of the sites. To date I have not had any of the posts disallowed or sent back for revisions. Read how I leverage my blog networks using The Fightback Networks Here.
Also the other day I checked the indexing status of about 65 posts I made over the last few months to just one of my sites and they were 99% indexed in Google.  In GSR I have not been having much success but I am testing some new methods and it involves not using word and phrase spun content when using Kontent Machine tutorial. When I create my own spun articles using sentences, words and phrases and limit the use they are still being indexed fine. (Read more about these spinning techniques here)
The Steps Used To Create The Content
(30 Minute Video at the bottom of this post) You can also view my Kontent Machine tutorial 3 Review & Tutorial.
campaign settingsStep 1 – Launch Kontent Machine tutorial and create a new campaign. Name the campaign appropriately using the niche or keywords being used and I also like to add an abbreviation as well such as FBN so I know this content is being use to post to that network.  Ex. Payday Loans – FBN
Step 2 -Add one or more keywords as well into the campaign settings. I try to use at least two but sometimes KM cannot return enough content for one of the keywords. (I have not experienced this as being a common issue though). *Of course do not use keywords that are from different niches, use a tool like Google’s keyword tool or Scrapebox to find relevant keywords that fit around your main niche keyword such as – Main Keyword Payday Loans, Secondary Keyword  – Payday Loans Online.

kontent machine tutorial

Step 3 – Link Settings – My preferred setting here is two contextual links and sometimes three with the link format of HTML.  I do not use just one because I like to add authority links within the articles which I feel helps in a few ways.  One it can add to the relevance of the article and second it also helps the owners of the sites within the network by disguising the sites so they aren’t so easily found to be link networks.  By doing this as a safety step on my own Blog network I have not lost any site to deindexing. Before taking this approach I lost 25 high pr domains worth a whole bunch of money, which were PR 5, PR 4 etc. Of course you may not get the whole benefit of the link juice from just one article but at least your chances of it remaining online and indexed certainly is worth it.
Step 4 – Contextual Links – Here we have a couple of tabs if we set our link settings to two or we may have 3 tabs if we set the link settings to three. In our example we set the link settings to two contextual links so we have two tabs. gsa search engine ranker discount The first tab is named Main Keyword and the other is named Second Keyword. Within each tab we have two boxes that we must utilize. The first being our URLS and the second box is for keywords.  When I am within the Main keyword tab I want to paste my money site url’s into the URL set 1 box and my keywords that I want to use as anchors into the box named keyword-set 1 box. You can use just one or a few of your urls and keywords if you desire.  You can also insert keywords such as your domain name, or generic keywords too but generally I use other programs like Ultimate Demon to build generic and other types of backlinks other then contextual. After adding your own keywords and money site url’s you should click on the Second Keyword tab and enter some authority site url’s and secondary keywords that are not your money site keywords into the appropriate boxes.

kontent machine tutorial

scraper optionsStep 5 – Scraper Option Settings – We want to set scraper settings here as well as our spinning options as well. In the scraper settings tab there are a few settings, they are to use or not to use proxies, how kontent machine tutorail should scrape for content selection, word spinning setting API setting selection, about me tweaks, proxy list box and settings. For scraping I am setup to use 20 proxies from but if you are not going to be scraping content often then this is probably not a necessary expense. I set the scraper threads to 20(you may have to play with this setting for best results yourself) and timeout to 3000 ms. The next box for when there is not enough content I set KM to use the broad match keyword which so far returns great results.  The next setting if word spinning and I set this to The Best Spinner as I own this software, if you do not own one of the ones in the list just set it to the Kontent Machine spinner. (Later on in our output settings we are going to tell KM not to spin words and phrases though). Next setting is the about me tweaks, this I just leave it as is.  Proxies is the next box, so if you have a set of proxies you can paste them into the box in this format if they are password protected like mine are. (IPAdress:Port:Username:Password).  The other proxy settings for checking and timeout I leave at the default settings. The second tab within scraper options can now be clicked and this is where you enter your license information for the spinner you own if you have one. Currently KM offers six options. I use The Best Spinner’s API and set the thesaurus to Best and word amount 2.

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