How Domain Name System Work (DNS) ?
What is a Domain Name System?
A “Domain Name System” or “Domain Name Service” is a computer network protocol whose job is to map a user friendly domain name such as “” to its corresponding IP address like “″.
Every computer on the Internets has a web server, home computer or any other networking devices that has unique IP address allotted to it. This IP address is used to establish connections between the server and the client in order to initiate the transfer of data. Whether you are trying to access a website or sending an email, the DNS plays a very important role here.
For example, when you type “” on web browser address bar, the computer uses DNS server to fetch the IP address of Crack001’s like server that is “″. After obtaining the IP address, your computer can establish a connection with that server only after which you see the ’s Crack001’s home page loading on your browser. The whole process is called DNS Resolution.
there are millions of websites on Internet, that’s impossible for people to remember each and every IP address of every website in order to go to them. Therefore, the concept of domain name was introduced so that each website will be identified by its unique name which makes easy for people for remember.
How Domain Name System Work ?
When you type a URL such as “” on your browser’s address bar, your computer will send a request to the local name server to resolve the domain name system into its corresponding IP address. This request is referred to as a Domain Name System query. then Local name server will receive the query and find out that it contains the matched name and IP address in its database.
If found, the corresponding IP address is returned.
If not, the request is automatically passes to other server those are next higher level of Domain Name System hierarchy.
This sending request process continues until request to server desirable that contains the matched name and IP address.
In rare cases where none of the lower level Domain Name System servers contain the record for a given domain name, the DNS query eventually reaches one of the root name server to obtain the response.
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